
Civil Engineering

Using AR to ‘Build it in your Brain’

Using AR to ‘Build it in your Brain’ image

We know that investment in digital transformation in construction increases productivity and reduces costs, partly by avoiding mistakes and the associated revision costs.

With this in mind, GRAHAM has pioneered an AR app with the GRAHAM Academy that supports the conventional training methods and helps increase knowledge of identified problem areas, improves operational skills and enhances safety behaviour.

A roll-out of the app in 2019 proved highly beneficial during the pandemic when much of the training moved online. Engagement with the app by GRAHAM graduate engineers is high thanks to the app’s interactive qualities and engaging interface.

Michael McCusker, Head of Quality - (Civil Engineering) said

"At GRAHAM we recognise the important role digitisation plays in back to basics training and prevention of errors on sites, contributing to our reduction in waste targets, safer working environments for our site teams and continued strides towards Net Zero by 2040. The AR app we have developed has been enthusiastically received by our graduates for its simplification of common problem areas, it’s aid to reducing guesswork and the support it provides them on their development path."

As members of GIRI (Get It Right Initiative), Head of Quality (Civil Engineering) Michael McCusker and Quality Manager, Sally Postle, will be speaking at the technology-themed GIRI members’ meeting on 17th May in London, in a discussion on how GRAHAM Group use augmented reality to enhance its Academy Development Programme.