
GRAHAM Tree Planting Target on Track

GRAHAM Tree Planting Target on Track image

In 2021, the Board at GRAHAM approved a corporate target to plant one tree, per employee, every year with the help of GRAHAM volunteers as a tangible way of addressing the climate emergency.

The many benefits associated with trees are wide reaching and interconnected. It is not just a tree, but a cooling and water management system, it's carbon storage, it improves air quality, supports nature recovery and contributes significantly to the health and wellbeing of local communities.

With tree planting*, we engage local knowledge and expertise, working with organisations such as The Woodland Trust, The Conservation Volunteers and The Clyde Forest, who guide us to plant the right tree in the right place, and can guarantee the appropriate maintenance plan is applied to ensure the success of the planting scheme.

Since January 2022 over 120 GRAHAM volunteers have planted over 6000 trees in hedgerows, landscape scale new forests and urban greening projects, and really enjoyed it! Feedback from our tree planting sessions is overwhelmingly positive in terms of morale and making a difference.

*Tree planting is in addition to any which may occur as enhancement on our projects and any current carbon offsetting arrangements in place.