

GRAHAM shortlisted for two ICW Awards

GRAHAM shortlisted for two ICW Awards image
ICW Northern Centre for Cancer Care

The ICW Collaboration Awards have been running since 2015 and are presented each year at the House of Lords by Lord Evans.

We entered two collaborative partnerships: North Cumbria Integrated Care (NHS) Trust and GRAHAM X Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)

Working in partnership, North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Trust, GRAHAM and CCL Solutions embedded ISO44001 collaborative practices and leadership to deliver a series of critical healthcare construction projects through the ProCure22/23 collaborative framework valued at over £75m. Aligned to a shared goal, this team overcame challenges around project complexity, tight timescales, budget and Covid-19 to deliver works which meet multi-stakeholder needs, improve health services and enhance facilities for NHS staff. Exemplar collaboration is key to delivery of NHS service and staff facility improvements.

With the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), GRAHAM has delivered excellence through collaborative working to ISO44001. The organisations formed a collaborative relationship across multiple frameworks, including Next Generation Estates Contracts (£120m+), Clyde Commercial Framework (£86m+), Crown Commercial Services (circa £400m), and Defence Estates Optimisation Portfolio (DEOP) (est. £340m). As a result of the relationship, GRAHAM is now the sole supplier for DIO in Scotland under DEOP. Working with trusted Supply Chain Members throughout, GRAHAM and the MOD have collaborated to deliver a wide range of projects for over 20 years.

As an ICW Ambassador, GRAHAM is recognised as a leader in collaborative working practices and in providing the highest quality of service and safety to clients and communities.

We look forward to attending the awards ceremony on 22nd November at the House of Lords.