

GRAHAM attracts top talent for Digital Information Team

GRAHAM attracts top talent for Digital Information Team image

GRAHAM’s digital transformation journey is in safe hands, with top talent from Ulster University attracted to graduate roles in the Digital Information Team.

All graduating from the Architectural Technology and Management (ATM) course with first class honours and an impressive number of awards, they have each chosen to pursue a career in Digital Information at GRAHAM.

At an early age, Jack Buckley’s talent for design was recognised by a technology teacher in secondary school, who encouraged him to pursue it from GCSE to A-level and finally for his degree. Having completed a placement year in a design role, he became interested in the opportunities at GRAHAM through a fellow student, Rachel Herron, and was convinced in the interview that it was the path he wished to take.

Speaking about his time in GRAHAM, Jack said:

“What I love most is the energy of the team, the travel to sites across the UK and exposure to the latest technologies.”

Jack has won several awards during his final year, including the ‘Outstanding Graduating Student Award’ for the highest mark on the ATM course.

Rachel Herron, first started in GRAHAM on placement, and has continued to work with us part-time whilst completing her final year. Thankfully all the hard work paid off, with Rachel receiving a prize from Ulster University for achieving the second highest mark in her year.

Speaking about the skills and knowledge she’s learnt along the way, Rachel said:

“My ability to properly model a building, make it BIM compliant and understand the sequence of events, has been hugely influenced by site visits during my placement year. The knowledge gained from hands-on experience has been of huge benefit to me in my studies”.

Another fellow student, Alex Doney, followed a similar path to Jack with a placement year in design before switching to a career in digital information. Following his A-Levels, Alex tested the water with a PWC higher apprenticeship in finance, before pursuing the degree in ATM. His advice is:never be afraid to follow your instincts and make the decisions that will bring you to the right path.”

Reinforcing this talent are two exceptional placement year students, Lucille Moore and Kyle Agius, who work in the Business Intelligence Team and Digital Information Team respectively. Both are having an impact in their business areas through supporting specific functions, on-site training, and in Kyle’s case - investigating and creating an asset capturing system for integration into a project BIM model.

David Comiskey, Senior Lecturer within the Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment commented:

“The Architectural Technology and Management programme at Ulster University and GRAHAM Group have forged strong links over recent years, with our students now forming the backbone of their digital information team. It is fantastic to learn that these links will be strengthened further with the new graduates and we are proud that both our students and graduates continue to be seen as leaders in the area of digital information and the digital built environment.”