

Delivering Lasting Impact through STEM activities in Belfast

Delivering Lasting Impact through STEM activities in Belfast image
P7 Pupils at Victoria Park Primary School taking part in STEM activities with GRAHAM Building North

Delivering lasting impact is the overarching vision for GRAHAM and is central to how we operate.

Our commitment is to help to address societal issues in the places we operate and can include providing local opportunities and employment, upskilling our supply chain partners, or collaborating with community groups, charities and schools.

An example of this is our partnership with Victoria Park Primary School in Belfast. We initially invited the pupils to name the cranes at our Loft Lines BTR development in Belfast, and they enjoyed taking part so much that we also visited the school to hold a STEM activity day. The main objective was for the P7 pupils to build a giant tetrahedron with nothing more than bamboo canes, elastic bands and teamwork!

The activity not only introduced the pupils to fundamental engineering principles but also essential skills that will benefit them in all areas of life, including:

• Collaboration and teamwork

• Problem solving

• Communication & leadership

• Safe working practices

• Timekeeping

• General housekeeping

P7 Pupils building a tetrahedron
Victoria Park P7 pupils taking part in STEM activities

Dan Ryden, Vice Principal at Victoria Park said:

“Our P7s definitely demonstrated their ability to work well as a team as they constructed a gigantic tetrahedron (that's a triangle-based pyramid for most of us!) from just bamboo canes and elastic bands. A massive thank you to GRAHAM for visiting the school and bringing lots of GRAHAM goodies for the children.”

The pupils had a great time, and we look forward to continuing to work with Victoria Park and other schools in the Belfast area.