

Building Division installs first bleed control cabinet and kit

Building Division installs first bleed control cabinet and kit image
Bleed control cabinet installed on Bendigo Building's hoarding

GRAHAM Building Division has installed its first bleed control cabinet and kit on Bendigo Building’s construction site in Nottingham.

After learning about the installation of The Daniel Baird Foundation public bleed control cabinets in Birmingham city centre, GRAHAM contacted the Foundation to enquire about installing a bleed control kit on our construction site.

We believe that our Bendigo Building project in Nottingham city centre is an ideal location for an accessible cabinet and kit. After speaking with Zoe Cooke, a local campaigner, GRAHAM Building’s first bleed control cabinet and kit was purchased and installed on the project’s hoarding in memory of her son, Bryon, who lost his life to a knife attack in Ilkeston in 2021.

The kit acts as a hemorrhage and catastrophic bleed kit to ensure those who are first on the scene of an accident or an injury can treat the blood loss and keep it under control until medics arrive. The kit is registered with the East Midlands Ambulance Service, so when 999 is called, people are directed to where the kit is located and are provided with a code to unlock the cabinet to access the life-saving equipment.

The kit is produced by Turtle Engineering Ltd, who donates £10 from each bleed control cabinet sale to The Daniel Baird Foundation.

Zoe Cooke, said:

"As a mother who has lost a son to knife crime, to see a company like GRAHAM take a stand and purchase a bleed control cabinet means so much, and sets such an amazing example to companies around the UK. There is such a stigma to bleed control kits, but the fact is, these aren't just for stab-related injuries but any catastrophic bleed that could be caused by a car accident or work-related injury. The fact is, these kits do, and have, saved lives. I would like to say a massive thank you to GRAHAM for making a stance."

GRAHAM is now collaborating with Nottingham City Council and the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Violence Reduction Partnership to see how we can inspire other contractors across the city to support the campaign and adopt the same approach.

Ricky Flintoff, Construction Project Officer, Nottingham City Council, said:

“We are delighted that GRAHAM is the first contractor to install this valued and potentially life-saving kit on one of our major sites in the city. Its accessibility means it’s an instant resource to the community. We aim to support GRAHAM’s initiative by engaging other main contractor partners to provide the kits too, and also provide training in its use to local citizens.”

Once GRAHAM has delivered the new Bendigo student accommodation development, and the hoarding has been dismantled, the bleed control kit will be donated to the building, so it can still be publicly accessible – continuing to deliver ongoing benefits to the local community.

Alex Farrell and Martin Wallis from Bricks Group Development Team, said:

"Hats off to GRAHAM for leading the way, and ‘thank you’ for the opportunity to be part of such a vital program. We believe the presence of these life-saving kits can make a significant difference in emergency situations – with this in mind, we are actively planning to extend these kits across our other UK sites, providing an extra layer of safety for the community, workers and visitors alike."

Robin Fleming, Head of Health and Safety (Building South) at GRAHAM, said:

“I am delighted that GRAHAM is supporting this initiative; a vital cause to save lives by having publicly accessible bleed control kits. At GRAHAM, we deliver lasting impact - that’s why it's great the kit will remain on the completed building once delivered.”

About Bendigo Building project

GRAHAM is constructing the new 661-bed Bendigo student accommodation scheme for property developer, Bricks Group.

The completed building will be operated by Bricks’ acclaimed management platform 'true student,' the redevelopment will bring new vibrancy to the city and high-end accommodation to students, offering great connectivity to Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham’s train station, retail area and entertainment venues.

Proposed aerial view of Bendigo Building