

BIM and Digital Construction Year Out Student wins Innovation in Placement award!

BIM and Digital Construction Year Out Student wins Innovation in Placement award! image
Tom Forrest and Rachel Herron on site at the Baird & ANCHOR project

Rachel Herron won the Innovation in Placement award from Ulster University, following her excellent work at the Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre project in Aberdeen.

Rachel met her manager, Tom Forrest, BIM and Digital Construction Manager at GRAHAM, on site to discuss her placement, the award and her future.

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Devising a solution

Bill Williamson, Project Director for Baird & ANCHOR, had various meetings with Rachel where he explained that the team needed to capture the handover and acceptance procedure between subcontractors. This is a key driver in the quality of the build.

Rachel proposed having a question within the checklists which would allow for this and through testing Bill agreed that this would work. Rachel has hosted several on-site workshops with NHS Grampian, a number of subcontractors and GRAHAM staff to provide demonstrations on how this process works; in total training more than 60 team members to date.

The workshops had good engagement from all attendees, and they were keen to start using this streamlined way of working. Rachel has received positive feedback from the subcontractors and GRAHAM staff, including on elements such as ease of use and collaboration.

QR codes

This procedure will be carried out through 2,000 internal spaces across both projects. Rachel has been providing monthly on-site support where she meets with the site team, subcontractors and client.

Using BIM 360 Field - construction field management software that combines mobile technologies at the point of construction with cloud-based collaboration and reporting – Rachel created a room location for each internal space which then allowed a unique QR code to be generated for each space. These were shared with the site team, and GRAHAM Site Managers place the QR code in the space once it is ready for internal works to commence. When a subcontractor enters the space they scan the QR code using their iPad and it takes them to the area they are standing in where they can start populating their quality checklists.

Congratulations on winning the award Rachel!