
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect

Promoting a diverse and inclusive working environment


Project Overview

At GRAHAM, our people make us unique. The diversity of our team, their skills and abilities is the strength that helps us achieve our best.

Our ambition is to be recognised as an industry leader for Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR). We are building a culture where everyone feels valued as an individual and comfortable to perform at their best.

Our significant commitment towards FIR has already been recognised nationally, as we were the first company to achieve both the CITB Be Fair and the CECA Inspired Workplace awards. We are also accredited as ‘Investors in Diversity’ through the National Centre for Diversity.

      • We have established a FIR Plan and a FIR Charter
      • We have robust governance in place with support from our senior leaders through our FIR steering group and working groups.
      • We have developed a FIR Framework which ensures a consistent approach to help drive our ambition
      • We have trained designated FIR ambassadors who provide support to colleagues where and when it is needed
      • We provide training to help our colleagues understand FIR, through our inclusive leadership and inclusive behaviours programme
      • We have developed systems which allow us to listen to, and act on, our colleagues’ concerns and suggestions (Speak Up).
      FIR website page

      Award wins

      FIR Plan

      Gender Pay Report

      "The work that GRAHAM has undertaken to build a culture of fairness, inclusion and respect within the business is industry-leading, with leadership from managing director level down through the business and out into the supply chain."
